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Tricks Training Work Shop
Duration: 2 week course
Cost: $99(includes clicker!)
Location:Complete Canine Care Centre
Next available course date: Feb 9 and Sept 14
Want to show off how smart your pooch really is? why not book them in for a trick training workshop? Tricks covered:
- shake
- hi-five
- leg weave
- sit pretty
- bow
- shy
- pray
and more!
This is a great class to have fun with your dog and really build on your relationship with them
Loose Leash Walking
Duration: 2 week course
Cost: $90
Location:Complete Canine Care Centre + Captain Springs Reserve Onehunga
Next available course date:
- May 11
- October 12
Tired of being pulled down the street? Or having your arm yanked out of its socket when your dog gets excited out on a walk? Then this is the class for you. Over two 1 hour sessions you will learn skills and techniques to make your dog walks far more enjoyable.
Course includes some targeted behaviour training at our centre during session one with attention games, name recognition and the “key” to loose leash walking. Session two is a street walk down to our local park for further real life training with distractions.
Rock Star Recall
Duration: 2 week course
Cost: $90
Location:Complete Canine Care Centre + Captain Springs Reserve Onehunga
Next available course date:
- March 2
- August 3
Requirement: 10m long line
Want to gain the ability to have your dog off leash at a dog park? Better yet, to be confident that your dog will come when called even when surrounded by distractions? Then this is the class for you.
Content includes:
• Attention and focus techniques
• Target training
• Recall games
• Recall with distractions
General Obedience Workshop
Duration: 4 hours
Cost: $140
Location: Captain Springs Reserve Onehunga
Course start dates
- Jan 19th
- June 8th
- Sept 28th
This course will provide all of your basic manners and training. From getting a really reliable recall to loose leash walking to wait, stay and much more. The perfect workshop for busy owners who cannot commit to a 5 week course
Requires a 10 metre long line
Masters Class
Duration:2 x 1 hour long sessions
Cost: $100
Location: Captain Springs Reserve Onehunga
Course start dates
- May 11th
- Nov 2nd
This is for dogs with existing good manners looking for a bit of fun with their training! covering distance work (sit, stay, wait) introduction to clicker training, tricks and target training.